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Our prayer team would love to pray with you.  If you have any concerns; if you or a member of your family or a friend are unwell; if you are feeling lonely or anxious or you may just want to thank God for answered prayer, Please feel free to ask for prayer. Nothing is too big or too small to bring to God in prayer. 


A member of the prayer team is available every Sunday after the 10.30am service. Private prayer is offered at the front of the church at the end of the service. All are encouraged to come forward to receive prayer. 


If you would like prayer over the phone or a member of the prayer team to visit then please contact Lynda Hubbard or leave a message on 07530 489819. 


Our Pastoral team at St. Botolph's Church are available to telephone anyone who is lonely or worried - just for a chat - no advice as we are not qualified!

But we do have a kind ear.


Majorie Jones

Ph 01959 563946

Mob: 07790597733


Lela Weavers

Ph: 01732 456334

Mob: 07720377380


Simon Claxton

Mob: 07715271976

Contact us



Chevening Church Office

Chevening Church Hall, 

Homedean Road, 


TN13 2RU

Find us

Chevening St Botolph’s Church,

Chevening Road,


TN14 6HG

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Rectory 01732453555

Unfortunately we have to keep the church building closed during the week.

We are looking for volunteers who could to open and close the church daily.
If you would like to visit or volunteer to open the church , do contact the Church Office.

St. Botolph's Chevening Church is a charity
registered in England and Wales (no. 1134784)

All rights reserved St Botolph's Chevening Church

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